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Beginner Piano Sheet Music

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-03   Click:

Learning to read sheet music is essential to those starting out as beginners on the piano. Reading music is a skill that has to be learned. The more skilled you are at reading music the easier playing it will be and new songs will be a breeze.

Reading the music is done after the notes and counting has been learned. It is normal to take lessons for up to a year before beginning to read sheet music when you are taking piano lessons. The sheet music that you learn should match the level of skill that you have in playing the piano , so that frustration is avoided and you don ’ t feel the urge to give up.

When learning to read music you need to look at each piece individually and break it up into separate parts. You must first find a patter n to the music, there will be notes that repeat themselves at some point in the piece whether you realize it or not when you get the sheet music. Then you need to look for places that the keys change unexpectedly or the sound of the music is made softer or louder. Familiarizing yourself with these before hand will make it easier when you play the piece for the first time. When reading the sheet music you should watch for any notes that may result in trouble when you play the piece.

When you read sheet music to play a song for the first time you should play every note slowly and carefully. You want to be correct in your execution of the notes on the music and not focus on how fast you can get through the piece that you are working on. You want to be able to put every detail in the sheet music when you play. When beginning with sheet music you want to be able to read ahead so you can change notes easily without having to think about or messing up the current note. You may need to take up to thirty minutes to read th r ough beginner sheet music at first while you play.

The first time you play through a piece of sheet music it will not sound as you might imagine, but it will in time. The sheet music is being played and read correctly, when the melody can not be made out, it is normal not to be able to identify the tune when you first begin.

Starting somewhere other than the beginning will be very useful when you start learning to play music as this ensure s that you are actually learning to play by reading sheet music. This makes learning to read the music easier and challenges you.

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