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Beginner Piano Basics

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-03   Click:

Musical theory should be involved in beginner piano. These theories will make the learning process go faster when the student understands why they are learning a certain aspect and how it comes into the music being played.

The one basic skill that will make playing the piano more fun is learning to read music. Once you have learned the chords and the notes that they form you will need to learn to read music to make learning new songs easier. This will cause you to have more enthusiasm for your beginner piano lessons as well.

After about a year of lessons, you will begin to be taught to read music by your instructor. Counting and reading notes must be something, the student is comfortable with before this process begins. This takes time and patience.

New p i eces should be approached slowly and in tune with the ability of the student that is learning to play by reading music. There are three rules when learning to read music that are imperative to teach the student.

The piano basics to reading music involve examination of the music for patterns that appear in the music. Things such as the same measure being used in succession, lines that repeat and things that may trip the student up - should be looked for. The count could change during the piece or the key could change unexpectedly.

New songs should be gone over slowly the first time that they are played since the goal is correctness and not rushing through the piece just to get it done. The slower the rate is at which you play the easier it is to get the notes correct throughout the piece. Speed is an aspect that can be gained at a later time; right now, you want to go slow enough to be able to read the next notes so you can prepare for playing them. The first experiences will take a long time but it is well worth it to ensure that you make progress in the end.

When you start with these beginner piano basics the music is not going to sound the way you expect it to and this is normal. The correct sound will come in time, as you feel more comfortable with the music that you are playing.

Beginner piano should involve the reading of music with each practice that is performed so that the student will begin to feel comfortable. To help ensure they are learning then a different point of origin should be used each day to start from.

With beginner piano, the lessons that have been taught in the past should be gone over regularly to ensure there is no forgetting and to help the progression of the music.

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