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Personal Story: How Playing the Piano Became My Occupation

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Personal Story: How Playing the Piano Became My Occupation

I never dreamed that I could ever play the piano before a group of strangers and sound
like anything truly musical. I just learned to play for my own enjoyment. I wanted a
pastime that would keep me busy in the evenings while my kids were busy with
homework and extra-curricular activities.

I kept practicing and learning more as the months went by. I picked up more and more
music books, eagerly poring over every note. The day came when my brother asked
me to play the piano for his daughter’s birthday party.

I felt like he was only being generous to me. He knew I wanted to play for the family
and he was giving me a chance. I was not too nervous because the party for the
five-year-old in question would be all family except for a few kids.

What I never thought of was that my cousin would be there – my engaged cousin – my
soon to be married cousin. She was looking for someone to play the piano at her
wedding. When she heard me play at the party, she decided that she liked my style.
She asked me right then and there if I had the date of her wedding open to play piano
for her guests.

I was a little shocked. After all, it was to be a very large wedding. I was not an
extremely experienced piano player. Surely she could have gotten someone better, I
thought. However, she explained that the few people she had considered were
unavailable. She was not satisfied with the alternative players she had found, but she
really liked my playing. She was serious.

I knew I could not play Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. I was just not ready for such an
ambitious piece. I could not spread my fingers out so well for such big chords. I was
not sure I could play it fast enough either. I asked my cousin about this. She said not
to worry. She would just choose another song to leave the altar on.

After much back and forth, my cousin convinced me that I could accomplish what she
wanted me to do. I practiced her selections, prepared my music, and got through it
nicely when the time came for the wedding. I did so well, in fact, that two other guests
came up to me and asked me for my number so that I could play for them.

Oh, and I did learn the Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. The more weddings I played
for, the more experience I got. With more experience, I learned how to play more
difficult songs, and songs like that one were such standards that I had them nearly
memorized in no time.

Now, I play for all kinds of public and private events. I have been asked to be one of
the regular pianists for my large church. I think I will take them up on it. I enjoy the
playing and I can think of no better way to use my gifts. My husband asked me once if I
would have rather been a concert pianist. I tell him no. I enjoy playing for the events of
everyday life. I bring music to the worlds of people who would never listen to a piano
concert. It is more than just a hobby, it is a calling.

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