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Learning to Play The Piano at a Train Station?

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-16   Click:

Do you want to learn how to play the piano at a train or bus station?  Yes, it’s possible to do such things!  Most people seem to go by car these days, but if you ever have to wait on a train or bus, then this guide can get you started. 

1.       You need to go somewhere by train and must decide the best way to get there.  In piano playing, this would be like wanting to learn how to play something.

2.       You arrive at the train station trying to find a suitable train.  Before you can determine if you are taking the right one, you need to decide where you wish to go.  When learning to play piano, this is the goal that you want to meet. 

3.       Before purchasing a ticket for the right train you need to decide when you want to arrive.  When you’re attempting to play the piano, this represents the time your goal is to be accomplished.

4.       When you think about these things, it’s much easier to find the right train.  In piano playing, this signifies that when you know what you hope to accomplish and when you have to accomplish it, it’s much easier to select a proper means of reaching your goal.

5.       Now you can purchase a ticket for the right train.  This is when your decision officially becomes a commitment.  Learning the piano can involve the exchange of money, but the most important investment is your motivation and long term commitment. 

6.      After you buy a ticket, the job is mostly done.  The only thing left is to find your train and sit down.  In your piano playing, this means that you must decide what you really want to accomplish, which makes progress much easier.  You know where you are with your skills, where to begin to work, and you don’t have to waste any energy by wondering what to do.

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