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Is Georgia Tech really hard to get in for architecture?

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-05-03   Click:

I want to go to GA Tech for my master architecture degree, but i heard from friends and people that it is really hard to get in, my GPA isa 3.85 right now. but i have not taken the SAT yet, and im not a good test taker, so on the PSAT i got a 165. Involved in art club, beta, and made an asian heritage club. another question... Does taking piano lessons with test records and such from my teacher, count as an extracirriculum?

I was planning to go to GaTech before i wanted to study psychology. Architecture and engineering is really hard to get into. Unless you are in-state, i'd suggest taking some Drafting classes and AP to boost your GPA higher. And yes, piano lessons would count.

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