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Beginner Blues Piano Can Lead to Great Things

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-20   Click:

Learning how to play musical instruments such as the piano really isn’t that difficult.  Almost everybody loves music!  Some people like rock or alternative, while others like country, blues, or jazz.  Whatever style of music you enjoy, you can learn it on the piano.  The best way to get started, however, is to learn how to play blues piano.  

What exactly *is* a blues piano?  It’s a musical style and once you learn how to play it, you will have less trouble in learning how to play other styles.  Just keep on reading and by the end of this guide, you’ll know a lot about blues and how to learn it on the piano.

To begin with, you need to know 12-bar blues.  This is a rather common progression if you want to play blues piano.  In order to play this particular form, most pianists make use of 7th chords.  A song is usually broken down into three sets.  Each set consists of 4 bars, and you can start by playing a song on the C key.  Use “I” to illustrate the tone ( C ) in the C key.  Take note that the IV tone is F, and that the V tone is G.

The initial set is played as “I-I-I-I”.  You can play the next set as “IV-IV-I-I”, and the final set is played as “V-IV-I-I”.  Use your right hand as you learn blues piano with these three sets.  To come up with a sound that is just like blues piano, you need to master playing 7th chords.

As for your left hand, you need to follow the 8-note pattern.  The pattern is as such:  I – III – V – VI – VIIb – VI – V – III.  When playing the “C” chord with your right hand, the notes played will be C – E – G – A – Bb – A – G – E.  While for the F chord, you’ll be playing:  F – A – C – Eb – D – C – A.  For the G chord, you’ll be playing:  G – B – D – E – F – E – D – B.

Attempt to examine the chords and notes played by both hands.  If you already know the different notes and chords, learning how to play blues piano can be easy.  Before anything else, you’ll have to master 12-bar blues in the key “C”.  Once you master it, you can attempt to play it by using other keys.

If you wish to establish a good, solid foundation in playing this instrument, you need to learn all about the blues first.  Many successful pianists started out with this strategy and then slowly made their way into playing other styles.  Once you develop a solid foundation, the new lessons will be a lot easier.  Learning various music styles can be challenging, but you can play them with elegance and impress your audience if you learn blues piano first. 

All you have to do is find a good teacher or take online lessons.  There are plenty of software programs that you can buy for an affordable price.  You can learn from DVD or CD programs just as easily and effectively as you could with a private instructor.  Your learning process is entirely up to you.  If you’re serious about playing, then you can get started right now with learning the blues!

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