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Adult Piano Lessons

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-20   Click:

Adult Piano Lessons: Can You Challenge Your Brain To Learn A New Skill?
A piano course for an adult is tailored differently than that for a child. A child can develop new motor skills faster and more effortlessly as compared to adults. This is because adults are more set with their motor skills. Picking up new movements will require them to unlearn their existing motor skills.

That explains why it is more difficult for adults to learn skating, complicated dance moves or new musical instruments if they do not have dance or music background respectively. All these activities require them to coordinate their muscles, eye, arms, legs or fingers in way which are unfamiliar, foreign and sometimes even painful.
With that thought in mind, lessons for adults are more complex and insightful compared to children’s lessons.

For adults who are keen and determine to learn piano, they can do so by signing up for adult piano lessons. Adult piano lessons are usually more cerebral. They include more thoughts and ideas behind each step. Lessons for children are typically less insightful, students are made to do exercises and keep practicing until they perfect those techniques. Adults, on the other hand, require more logical explanation. No adult wants to be treated like a child, thus adult piano lessons will provide the explanations and clarifications suitable for more developed minds.

The advantages that adults have over children are their more developed minds, muscles and longer fingers. Playing octaves, chords and scales require fingers that are long and agile. Adults with long and slender fingers will find it easier to stretch their fingers across the keyboard. A more developed mind also means that adults will absorb things faster if they clear their minds and give full concentration to their adult piano lessons.

Relearning a new motor skill like playing the piano requires time and effort. Our brains are programmed through practice. If we choose not to learn new things as we grow older, our brains will be set with its perfunctory, unthinking and mechanical mode. It will not develop or strengthen any further than it needs to. We will still function as human beings but we will be more jaded and less alert as we grow more elderly. Learning new skills give us a chance to jolt our brains with fresh thoughts and ideas.

If we learn the piano as children, and return to it as adults, our brains will work to uncover our hidden skills. However, if we learn to play the piano from basics as adults, our brains may be both bewildered and intrigued at the new skills that they have never been exposed to.

A brain that is alert and curious will yearn to absorb as much knowledge as possible in order to stabilize itself in its new environment. Adult piano lessons are one way to challenge your brain into learning a new skill and enjoying the beautiful music that comes with it.

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