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Top 5 Tips For Learning To Play The Piano

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-01-14   Click:

If you’re looking into learning to play the piano, you’re in good company. The piano is a popular instrument but also one which is considered to be more of a challenge than many others.

There are many who try to learn but for one reason or another never quite manage to become skilled players.

Learning to play piano lets you express any feeling you may have; it’s an instrument with a wide dynamic range which you can use to convey a full range of emotion. The piano has always been one of the most beloved of instruments since it has an unparalleled power to stir us.

Many piano students come across stumbling blocks in their path while learning to play piano. If you’ve had some trouble with the instrument yourself or are planning to learn and want the experience to go more smoothly, read on for five tips which can make learning to play the piano a little easier.

Tip #1

When you’re learning to play any instrument, you’re not going to get anywhere unless you have an instrument to practice with. You’ll have to purchase, rent or borrow a new or used piano or electronic keyboard or have access to one to get started.

Tip #2

Start taking piano lessons. You can take traditional piano lessons from a teacher, use instructional books, CDs or DVDs, or take some online courses in learning to play the piano. If you’re impatient and want to become a skilled piano player as soon as possible, then you can make more rapid progress by combining these methods.

Tip #3

Ask other, more experienced players for advice. Proficient piano players can help you figure out which areas of your piano playing are in need of improvement. They can also give you some tips on exercises to help you become a better player. Each player has a different approach to the instrument, but the advice of experts is always valuable; just watching and listening to other piano players can also help you to progress.

Tip #4

Practice regularly. You should make time every day (or at least 4-5 days per week) to practice. Take a minimum of fifteen minutes to practice daily and more when you can. Warm up before each practice and you’ll get more out of your sessions.

Tip #5

Be patient. No one sits down at the piano for the first time and starts playing complex, difficult compositions. Start like everyone else does: with the basics. You’ll need to learn some music theory and how to read sheet music if you don’t already.

You’ll begin playing by practicing your scales and working on some elementary exercises. Master each exercise and each piece you learn before you move on to the next challenge. Refresh regularly by incorporating pieces you’ve already learned into your practice sessions even as you work to master new and more challenging pieces.

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