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Tips for Beginning Piano Players

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-29   Click:

To get a jump start on learning to play the piano, you can use a few extra tips. Some of
them are obvious, but they need to be said anyway. Others, you might not have
thought of at all. Keep this list in mind as you start to learn.

1. If you are really not interested in the piano, do yourself and everyone else a favor.
Do not try. Maybe you reason that it would be advantageous to play the piano, but your
heart is not in it. In that case, you could listen to lots of piano music and see if you
develop an interest. Do not start trying to play until you are happy at the thought of

2. Play what you like. In the old days, and often even today, piano teachers spent
months with their students before they were allowed to play anything they enjoyed
playing. You will get more gratification if you find ways to play at least simple or
improvised versions of songs you know and like. That will keep you going.

3. Dive right in. Do not wait for the sun to turn purple or even to learn all the scales.
Start playing music as soon as you can. The more you play, the more you will learn.
The more you learn, the more you will play. It creates an upward spiral that will
increase your abilities.

4. Try to play on the best piano available to you. Of course, you can learn quite a bit
with even a small electronic keyboard. If you have a Clavinova it is better because this
instrument has all 88 keys. Some would say that an upright piano is better still.
Undoubtedly, if you have access to a good grand piano, play it.

5. Do your best not to disturb others in the household. They will almost certainly hear
you play. In most houses, there is no getting around that. Yet, you can be considerate
of the times when other members of the household need quiet time to study or do work
that is intellectually challenging. Maybe they have had a hard day and just need a little
peace. If you ignore their feelings, friction between you will make your practice

6. Set up your own reasonable discipline. Do not be harsh with yourself. If you will not
allow yourself to stop a practice no matter what exciting thing is happening in the
household, you will come to resent the piano. Allow yourself a little leeway. At the
same time, keep up the practice as much as you reasonably can. It is with practice that
you will develop your ears, your eyes, your hands, and your mind.

7. Keep a journal of new things you learn. If you come across a new term, look it up
either in a music dictionary or on the internet. Write it in a notebook or make a
document on your computer to type in all the things you have learned. You can also
write in the notebook what has worked for you and what has seemed to make things
harder. Do not forget to record your accomplishments.

As a beginning piano player, you have all the time in the world to learn new things abut
your instrument. Each time you find something that makes your life easier; remember it
so that you can use it again. When you do that, you can build on each lesson and
advance to higher and higher levels.

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