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7 Tips for Learning the Piano Perfectly

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-01-14   Click:

Piano playing requires many hours of practice, especially when a big musical event is coming up in the near future.  With all the factors that are needed for piano practice, one very basic---yet crucial thing will be discussed. 

One important factor that professionals know to never forget is, of course, practice.  Even if you know all there is to know about the piano, including notes, chords, etc, none of it will mean a thing if you don’t practice.  This is the essence of it all, and you must be committed to your genre by practicing it every single day. At the very least, you should practice the piano three or four times a week!

If you are having any difficulties with training yourself, here are some tips to consider.

Tip #1:

Make a daily schedule for practice and stick with it, no matter what.  Be determined to stick with it, always!  It’s extremely important that you do this and practice every day so that your body will get used to the routine.  At first it may seem tedious, but as you go on learning all the essentials of learning the piano, you will find it more fun to play!

Tip #2:

Your piano needs to be placed somewhere in which you will not feel crowded when practicing.  Your music room needs to be free of all distractions and noises.  This enables you to concentrate and focus when practicing.  Also, make sure that there’s proper lighting in the room.  Just remember that your piano must never be exposed to extreme sunlight!

Tip #3:

Always warm up by exercising your fingers.  You can do this by practicing some simple notes and then proceeding to harder ones.  Ask someone who knows good finger exercises if you don’t know of any yourself.  This will become very helpful when playing fast paced music.

Tip #4:  

Review past lessons before starting new piano practice techniques for harder lessons.  This is what you need to do right after warming up and doing finger exercises.  If you didn’t finish your lesson the day before, recall what you played and then continue before moving on to something else.

Tip #5:

Follow your lesson directly.  If you have a teacher, follow the teacher’s instructions.  You can relieve boredom by playing at the same time, like a duet! Tell your teacher your interests and ask him/her to play it for you as a way to pave the way for you to practice.  

Tip #6:

Make your practice as goal oriented as you possibly can.  A goal will make you feel more focused, because you’ll have something that needs to be achieved.  To finish the goal will make you feel very fulfilled and satisfied!

Tip #7:

Always maintain a positive outlook with your piano practice.  When you play to play without anyone to guide or assist you, just remember all the lessons that you’ve learned thus far.  Don’t ever give up, especially after putting a lot of effort into playing.  If you feel stressed, simply rest for awhile and give yourself time to breathe.

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