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What books and software do you suggest to learn piano, reading sheet music, and music theory?

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-04-28   Click:

I'm trying to learn how to play the piano. I guess the first step is to figure out how to read sheet music. I was wondering if there was any software that will let me learn notes from the computer keyboard. Then I was hoping to get some books to learn how to actually play the piano, music theory, and also reading sheet music. Thanks.
4 years ago
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I'm trying to learn how to play the piano. I guess the first step is to figure out how to read sheet music. I was wondering if there was any software that will let me learn notes from the computer keyboard. Then I was hoping to get some books to learn how to actually play the piano, music theory, and also reading sheet music. Thanks. I should also mention that I don't have direct access to a store (I have no car, college campus) and was hoping for recommended titles I can order off Amazon or BN.

You're really best off taking a few piano lessons in person, if possible. All the theory in the world won't help if you can't associate the notes to the keys and to the tones. Once you can get a good visual map of what C or F# *looks* and *sounds* like on the piano, then you can start looking at how it translates to sheet music. Once you get to that point, there are a million self-teaching books and videos, and you can pick one that will work best with a style of learing you like.

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Disco and piano? The two can never coexist together......EVER.

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