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Can you learn piano without having to take exams?

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2010-04-28   Click:

I'd like to learn the piano, but I only want to learn it for fun. Would it irk off piano teachers if I requested for him/her to not cover everything needed for exams, as I don't want to do them? Also, is it alright if I request not to study classical pieces, and instead more contemporary music?

Bah, if only there was a way to learn how to play the piano by yourself......
3 years ago
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About the piano exams, I thoughtt you had to do them in order to pass grades. Although I'm not exactly wanting to get graded, I just want to learn XD

Actually all you need is someone to teach you basics, like reading music, and the keyes and then you can teach yourself how to play. Just get books that contain the music you'd like to play and do it. There are also some books that are just for ppl who want to learn how to play by themselves. I took lessons for two years and hated it. I only like to play the piano for myself and by myself. I liked learning by myself a lot better. Good Luck:)

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