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Playing Piano by Ear - Step by Step

Source:Internet    Posted by:Learntopianoonline.com   Date:2009-12-20   Click:

How would you like to learn piano playing without having to fuss over music sheets?  How would you like to create music just by humming along with the tune?  Have you always wanted to play the piano but your visual senses made it seem impossible?  Well, do you not realize that simply by humming a tune, you can play it on piano by ear in the same way? 

Some musicians didn’t start their career by using any instruction manuals or by hiring any teachers.  What they did was follow the tone that they heard and then played along with it!  If you want to try yourself, here are a few steps you need to take.

1.      Assemble your things.  Of course, you will need a keyboard or piano.  You’ll also need at least three fingers in order to play.  You should have some time available for practicing.  While you’re at it, tune your piano!

2.    Remember when playing piano by ear that it is an instrument that is comprised of 88 keys, and along these are twelve straight notes.  The first white key is the A – note, and the following are:  B, C, D, E, F, & G.  After that last white G – note, the very next one starts out as A again, and henceforth the repetition continues.  The sequence is repeated for about seven times, including the black notes that represent sharps and flats.
3.     T he C – note is also known as the “home key”.  To trace the C – note, you need to find the white key on the left side of 2 black keys.  Stare at your piano, and you will notice that the middle part is the C – note. Thus, it is the first of the major chords. 

As you learn to play piano by ear, keep in mind that the thumb of your right hand will always serve as number “1” in placement.  This means that it is placed at the middle C.  From there, your index finger will be “2” on the following key, and so forth (including black keys).

4.      Familiarize yourself with the abovementioned sequence.  Your thumb at “1” all the way to your pinkie at “5”.  You can start with any note, but be sure when you count to INCLUDE the sharps and flats (black keys).  Use these chords as your roots, and this sequence will work perfectly if you decide to start on a sharp.  You will be making a sharp chord by then.

5.      If you have time to practice these easy chords, you will finally realize that through attentive listening and counting, you will easily get through with playing piano by ear!  For instance:  if chord number “5” is dropped, this will result with a number “4”.  At that instance, you will end up with a minor chord.  Now, if you are playing for a “C” chord, all you need to do is move your finger one key to the left to produce a C minor!

By listening, you will be able to distinguish the differences in the sound.  You will be able to notice the slight differences in tune.  

Here are a few more tips on how to play piano by ear:

·         Don’t just practice on the middle keys.  There are many other keys on the keyboard!

·         Don’t limit yourself in just using a couple of fingers. With enough practice, you should be able to use them all.

·         Practice!

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